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The full version of our policy handbook* which outlines our policies in further detail is available as a downloadable pdf file and accessible for reference on our parent board in our welcome area.


Our center policies FAQs are listed below.


*All policies are subject to change

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What are your hours?
    School Year Hours Monday to Friday BEFORE SCHOOL 7:00 am to 9:00 am & AFTER SCHOOL 2:00 pm to 5:30 pm We accomodate students during early dismissals, most school closure days and virtual learning days. Holidays Closures We are closed federal holidays which are obseved by most schools, and also during winter recess and spring break. View our Calendar here.
  • What is the cost for tuition?
    School Year (September-June) Full-Time Tuition* is $200 per week, per child Part-Time Tuition* is $175 per week, per child Tuition and Co-Payments are due weekly and in advance on Mondays. Summer Summer Registration Fees are charged separately. *subject to change
  • What safety precautions are being taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
    Staff and Children are held accountable to strictly adhere to our facility health policy.* More details are in our policy handbook. Staff Temperature Check & Symptoms Screening REQUIRED Child Temperature Check & Symptoms Screening REQURIED Frequent Handwashing of Staff & Children REQUIRED Increased Cleaning, Disinfecting, Sanitizing of Surfaces, Toys/Materials and Equipment REQUIRED Reporting of any COVID-19 exposure or Positive COVID-19 test REQUIRED for both Staff and Children Any staff person and child showing COVID-19 symptoms OR has tested positive for COVID-19, OR who has been exposed to someone with COVID-19 are not permitted to be present at our facility. In this case, all staff and children are to provide a negative COVID-19 test from a physician, have no symptoms and follow CDC quarantine and isolation recommendations before returning. We follow the COVID-19 Guidance for Operating Early Care and Education/Child Care Programs. Read More Note- Our health policy will be evaulated regularly to reflect COVID-19 symptoms and new guidelines. All policies subject to change.
  • If my child’s school is dismissing early due to a positive COVID-19 case or any other emergency reason, will you pick them up?"
    If your child has been exposed to COVID by another classmate from school, OR if your child has tested positive for COVID, our health policy applies. Please refer to our policy handbook. Families with other emergency pick-up notifications from school that are not COVID-19 related may coordinate with the Program director and the child's school to determine the care arrangements.
  • What is your Homework Policy?
    Homework Policy Homework time is scheduled during the After School Program in addition to other activities. During this time teachers are available to answer homework questions and provide help. The homework area will be kept silent to help the student’s concentration. We do not guarantee that all homework is completed or correct. You and your child should review their homework at home. You can help your child make sure their homework is a success. 1. Remind your child of your expectations regarding homework 2. Let them know that if they say that they have no homework an alternate assignment will be given to them 3. Remind your child to bring their homework with them from class to our after-school program 4. Encourage your child to ask for help from staff when they need it 5. Please remind your child that homework time is quiet time
  • How do you handle student behavior problems?
    We know that a student's behavior problems mostly stem from: a chaotic classroom culture boring, irrelevant curriculum uncaring, disconnected staff a lack of student accountability by parents Knowing this, we use positive behavior intervention and supports (PBIS) to proactively guide student behavior insteading of punishing or reacting to challenging student behaviors. Some of the ways we support and reinforce positive behavior is by: Getting to Know our Students and Families Building Positive Relationships with our Students and Families Providing Class Rewards for Exceptional Behavior Implementing a Visual, Daily Schedule Using Positive Language, Positive Affirmations Verbally Praising Good Behaviors & Ignoring Negative Attention-Seeking Behaviors Writing Observations of Children's Mood, Play and Interests Planning for Engaging Activities and Individualizing Lesson Plans based on Observations
  • What do you do if a child has failing grades? Do you tutor kids?
    We welcome open communication with our parents to keep us updated on children's report card grades, academic goals and concerns as well as standardized test scores so that we can monitor progress, modify our curriculum and individualize our instruction prior to getting news of failing grades. We want to align what we are teaching here to what children are already learning at school and what they need to learn at their grade level. So family partnerships and transparency is key. Yes--We offer personalized tutoring for remediation and enrichment. We currently include tutoring service in our tuition cost. We value academic excellence and do not want our students to fail by any means.
  • How do I enroll my child?
    Call or text 800.508.8565 to Schedule a Tour & Family Interview Complete Registration Application Submit Required Enrollment Documents (fee agreement, child health report, emergency contact form) See our Enrollment page here
  • What do the kids do when they are with you all day?
    We follow a weekly lesson plan all year round, which includes activities based on our curriculum unit of study, student interests and culture. Students engage in physical activity, outdoor play, games, arts & crafts, science, literacy, free choice time to explore legos, puzzles, music, technology and imaginative play. We offer a mix of opportunities for students to learn: large group small group independent 1-on-1 with a teacher Our students engage in daily journal writing and 20-min reading activities.
  • What do you serve for meals and snacks?
    We serve a nutritious breakfast meal, lunch meal and afternoon snack every day. We accommodate for special dietary needs, cultural reasons and food allergies. Each one of our delicious, hot meals consists of five food groups: Whole Grains Fruits & Veggies Protein & 1% Milk We do not serve pork. We are 100% dedicated nut free facility. Please see our policy handbook for more information here.
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Thomas Center for Learning and Physical Literacy Development is proud to be an Equal Opportunity Provider.

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